Data Engineer | Full-stack Developer

Back-end Server Inside Virtual Machine

Want some music while reading? 🎵📻 The Story Behind This Tutorial The inspiration to write this tutorial comes from a project work for a Software Project course at the university. In this course, we worked on a full-stack project that required the back-end to be setup inside of a virtual machine. The virtual machine was created using CSC Cloud. I took the responsibility of creating and maintaining the back-end server for the team.

IoT Tracking Device - PHP Server & OpenStreetMap (Part 2)

Want some music while reading? 🎵📻 Introduction This tutorial continues the work from the previous part where we set up the ESP32 to write data to the server. In this part, we should display the coordination data on the map that we post to the server in the previous post and show the markers that indicate our locations as well. Our group of students quite struggled with the product’s requirements.

IoT Tracking Device - ESP32 (Part 1)

Want some music while reading? 🎵📻 Background Today’s topic is a little bit different from the others, I’m not writing about software development but Internet of Things. I’ve recently joined an interesting course about IoT, students from my school were going to Madrid, Spain for an IT seminar and teach other students how to create an IoT device. Our team chose to create a device that could check the temperature and GPS coordination, save the data into the database and display that on a website.

Combining Images From Base64 for Exporting

Want some music while reading? 🎵📻 Requirements React / React knowledge Canvas element knowledge react-base64-downloader package merge-base64 package Background In my recent project VerifyHut, there was an interesting feature that I learned during the development process. The app offers a way to export the signature image into PNG format. Not only the signature itself, but also the all of the related information will be exported along with the signature.

VerifyHut - My First PWA

Want some music while reading? 🎵📻 Background of VerifyHut I had a course called Software Project at Haaga-Helia UAS. Students had a chance to work with a real customer and tried to develop an application that satisfies the customer’s needs. The customer’s requests were kind of difficult and pretty complicated that I thought we couldn’t create an app that could satisfy all their requirements due to limited time. The app’s main purpose is to take recipients’ signatures to confirm that they have received the product.